

When I began to consider Mexico as an option for weight loss surgery, I was convinced I wanted an adjustable gastric band. However, upon checking, there were a couple surgeons in Mexico who no longer do bands because of so many band-caused complications! Wow! After much research, turns out those bands can really cause a lot of damage. The gastric by-pass procedure is pretty complicated and I am not interested in it. Turns out, there is a third option that doesn’t require band fills or implant a foreign object in your body. It’s called the vertical sleeve gastrectomy or “the sleeve”.

The sleeve surgery is designed to remove part of your stomach and leave you with a banana sized “sleeve” of a stomach. Kind of a long skinny stomach. The most attractive part of this surgery to me is that the surgery removes the part of the stomach that produces the hunger hormone ghrelin. And that is why I am fat, because I have a HUGE appetite.

Once I got serious about finding a surgeon in Mexico, I learned a lot. There were several factors important to me in selecting a surgeon:

1. A surgeon who has performed a lot of weight loss surgery.

2. Member of the American College of Surgeons and the American Society of Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery (i.e. need to be able to verify their credentials)

3. The doc should have a lot of positive internet “buzz”, or testimonials on weight loss surgery forums so I could contact those and get some independent feedback.

4. Would like to go to a part of Mexico WITH NO TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS from the US State Department

5. The icing on the cake would be if they were at an International Center of Excellence as designated by the Surgical Review Corporation – same body that designates US bariatric Centers of Excellence

6. Oh, and I wanted to contact the surgeon DIRECTLY, not through a surgery coordinating company


1. Dr. Guillermo Alvarez in Piedras Negras http://www.endobariatric.com/doctor.htm
2. Dr. Alberto Aceves in Mexicali http://gastricsleevesurgeon.com
3. Dr. Pompa in Tijuana http://www.limarp.com/en/dr_liza.php
4. Dr. Ortiz in Tijuana http://www.obesitycontrolcenter.com

I checked prices. I spent a great deal of time on each website to understand the process, review photos, verify credentials, etc. Both Dr. Pompa and Dr. Ortiz are practicing at International Centers of Excellence. And I liked the fact Tijuana does not have a travel warning from the US State department.

Dr. Alvarez wrote a book about the sleeve. I purchased his e-Book. It’s an easy read and provides a great deal of information about the sleeve procedure, how he performs it, and what you need to do pre-surgery and post-surgery for diet.

Ultimately, I selected Dr. Ortiz. Why?

• He has a TON of YouTube videos available. I watched many of them and learned a lot about the surgery, recovery, diet, his philosophy, got to see the surgical team working together, pictures of the facility, etc. Also, he has a great video about the difference between healthcare in the US vs. Mexico and was spot on. This video actually made my decision for me. He even addressed the sombrero issue. I’m in. Check the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-un3FRc7QK8

• Confirmed they are a International Center of Excellence for Bariatric Surgery http://www.surgicalreview.org/locate/cmcoem/

• Confirmed Dr. Ortiz is a member of the American College of Surgeons http://web2.facs.org/acsdir/public/DetailMember.cfm?CHKDGTS=88010816878

• Confirmed Dr. Ortiz is a member of the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery http://asmbs.org/member-search/ (search for last name Lagardere, as in Ariel A. Ortiz Lagardere)

• Tijuana is in Baja California, the only Mexican border state that does not have a travel warning from the US State Department. http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_5815.html All other border states have a “defer non-essential travel” warning.

So am I still crazy for considering this? Maybe. But I don’t feel any more crazy going to Dr. Ortiz than I would have doing this surgery right here in Hoosierland.